To use Testify in JUnit 3, your tests will sit in an inheritance hierarchy with com.formos.tapestry.testify.junit3.TapestryTest class as the root, your own AbstractMyApplicationTest as a common superclass and then the tests inheriting from that:
TapestryTest ^ | AbstractMyApplicationTest ^ ^ ^ | | | MyTest1 MyTest2 MyTest3
The base class orchestrates a very particular sequence of calls that make the Testify functionality work; the abstract base class allows you to define common state and setup for all tests.
Your AbstractMyApplicationTest must create a TapestryTester and store it in a static variable so all the tests can share it. The code should look like this:
import com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester; import com.formos.tapestry.testify.junit3.TapestryTest; public abstract class AbstractMyApplicationTest extends TapestryTest { private static final TapestryTester SHARED_TESTER = new TapestryTester("demo", MyCoreModule.class); public AbstractMyApplicationTest() { super(SHARED_TESTER); } }
If you have standard setup for all tests (such as using Mockito), then override setUpForAllTestMethods() by adding that method to your AbstractMyApplicationTest.
In your test subclasses you'll need to override doSetUp() and doTearDown() instead of the usual setUp() and tearDown().
You will find your tests have access to a protected variable tester that provides access to the shared TapestryTester object. This object provides all the facilities of Tapestry's PageTester, plus a few more. For example:
import org.apache.tapestry5.dom.Document; import com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.ForComponents; public class MyTest1 extends AbstractMyApplicationTest { @ForComponents private FakeMyService myService; public doSetUp() { myService = new FakeMyService(); } public void testWhenMyServiceReturnsAValueThenThePageIncudesThatVaue() { myService.setValue("Hello"); Document document = tester.renderPage("MyPage"); assertEquals("Hello", document.getElementById("value").getChildMarkup()); } }